


Archives of Environmental Health 1974; 29: 230-235

Sodium fluoride as potential mutagen in mammalian eggs

Georgiana Jagiello & Ja-Shein Lin

From the Departments of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Human Genetics & Development; and the International Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, New York.

Abstract: Evidence from other forms demonstrating mitotic chromosome damage has suggested that sodium fluoride (NaF), a primary air pollutant, be explored as a mutagenic compound in female mammalian germ cells. In vitro experiments with mouse, sheep, and cow oocytes have disclosed a low incidence of anaphase lags, suppression of polar body I, and fragmentation and rearrangement. In vivo experiments showed only a minor effect on oocyte meiotic maturation, but species' variations of sensitivity to NaF would suggest further investigations of progeny of the ewe and cow in contaminated areas.

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